Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Camp Nanowrimo 2017

I just completed Camp Nanowrimo 2017, at which I completed the new Sam Corsair novel Pushover. I'm going to let it lie for a while, then edit it again until it makes sense. At the moment there are too many things happening without explanation and the back-story shifts in a random fashion as the story proceeds. So you'll have to be patient while I get the whole novel organised.

I've been truly surprised at the number of people who have read my novels on line. There are hundreds of you. At least, I think there are. Maybe the readership numbers include all the times that I've read those pages myself. Anyway, the reason for writing that is that, if you read my work, I would really like to hear from you. Did you like what you read? What do you think I should write next? Would you buy the film rights for a million dollars? That sort of comment is always welcome.

I'm now an author on Goodreads, by the way. My page is https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8197679.Ken_Johnson.